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19962door 05-05-2010 09:17 AM

Brake Pedal Fade - New Brake Fluid Needed?
I recently noticed the brake pedal getting lower. This only happens when I coast to a stop. Then the pressure is fine until the next time I coast.

I just had new brake pads installed, the rear drums cleaned, and the parking brake is nice and tight.

My initial thoughts are:

- Change brake fluid.

- Air in the brake fluid.

- I need a new master cylinder - this has never been replaced

Any thoughts/suggestions would be appreciated.



JimBlake 05-05-2010 12:43 PM

Classic sign of a bad master cylinder is the pedal slowly & smoothly sinks to the floor. When you first step on the brakes, the pedal is nice & hard. Then it slowly & smoothly sinks down when you apply low or moderate pressure (like at a red light).

19962door 05-05-2010 02:02 PM

Master Cylinder Replacement

Originally Posted by JimBlake (Post 202943)
Classic sign of a bad master cylinder is the pedal slowly & smoothly sinks to the floor. When you first step on the brakes, the pedal is nice & hard. Then it slowly & smoothly sinks down when you apply low or moderate pressure (like at a red light).


Your description is exactly what I'm experiencing.

So the next question is: What should this repair cost? I will request Honda oem parts be used.



JimBlake 05-05-2010 04:02 PM

I don't have a good feel for costs. Took me a couple hours to replace the MC on my 95 Integra but a shop mechanic who does this for a living better be faster than that. Get an estimate or 2. It's a well-defined job.

deserthonda 05-05-2010 05:46 PM

don't buy a cheap master from AUTO ZONE .. for as long as those masters last, spend the extra money and buy a Honda one ..

if you buy a honda master you do not have to worry about adjusting push rod
just bench bleed the new master before installing it ..

19962door 05-13-2010 10:38 PM

Brake Pedal Fade Reduced Only

Originally Posted by JimBlake (Post 202943)
Classic sign of a bad master cylinder is the pedal slowly & smoothly sinks to the floor. When you first step on the brakes, the pedal is nice & hard. Then it slowly & smoothly sinks down when you apply low or moderate pressure (like at a red light).

I had the master cylinder replaced today with the OEM part. While the time it takes for the pedal to sink is greatly decreased, I still feel like it's happening. Plus, it also feels as if the brake pedal height is lower.

If anybody can help with this, would be much appreciated. I plan to go back to the shop tomorrow. Hopefully, the brakes only needs "tweaking" at this point.


kris_loehr 05-14-2010 12:26 AM

If you have rear drums they need to be adjusted correctly to get a proper peddle. I am not sure what the parking brake being nice and tight means? The rear wheel cylinders should be checked for leaks with pulling back the duct covers and last the system needs to be properly bled of air. With a good master, the brake adjusted correctly, no leaks and the no air you should be all set.

19962door 05-14-2010 10:22 AM

Parking Brake Tightness

Originally Posted by kris_loehr (Post 203612)
If you have rear drums they need to be adjusted correctly to get a proper peddle. I am not sure what the parking brake being nice and tight means? The rear wheel cylinders should be checked for leaks with pulling back the duct covers and last the system needs to be properly bled of air. With a good master, the brake adjusted correctly, no leaks and the no air you should be all set.

Hi Kris:

Whenever I've had the brakes repaired, the parking brake handle is very stiff at first. If this isn't correct, let me know.

Thanks for the quick answer. I'm going to the shop now - I'll have them check these items, and give you an update later.


kris_loehr 05-14-2010 05:02 PM

When I read you post about the parking brake I was wondering if you adjusted the parking brake to get pedal high. As long as the parking brake comes off at the rear shoes when released and applies you should be in good shape. I gave you the standard procedure for obtaining a good brake pedal applying height but there are sometime surprises but not very often. If you have no leaks and the pedal is falling a master cylinder where I start also.

19962door 05-17-2010 01:11 PM

Brakes OK Now

Originally Posted by kris_loehr (Post 203666)
When I read you post about the parking brake I was wondering if you adjusted the parking brake to get pedal high. As long as the parking brake comes off at the rear shoes when released and applies you should be in good shape. I gave you the standard procedure for obtaining a good brake pedal applying height but there are sometime surprises but not very often. If you have no leaks and the pedal is falling a master cylinder where I start also.


Your suggestions were 100% on the money. When I told the tech what the problem was, his solution was exactly what you wrote above.

Thanks again for your help,


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