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sir_nasty 12-29-2007 11:39 AM

How to Cure a Hangover On New Years Day
So seeing as how a number of us are expierenced alchol tasters I thought a nice thread about how to survive the morning, your tips and tricks was in order.... Did I mention I had a few last night...? I don't need to hear about how you don't need anything because you don't get hangovers, I didn't either when I was younger but as age progresses and your hair works it's way off your head and starts to populate down your body they will affect you...

So I've got 2:

pre-emptive: Drink a glass of water after every shot and after every 2 regular drinks (works wonders but hard to remember...)

Morning: Shot of Pepto, Ibuprofen and a glass of water

2nd Morning Option: McDonalds Sausage McMuffin

finch13 12-29-2007 04:50 PM

RE: How to Cure a Hangover On New Years Day
A few Gatorade's will do you wonders!

SVTMike 12-29-2007 05:24 PM

RE: How to Cure a Hangover On New Years Day
Yea a small bottle of gatoradeclose to the end of anight of drinking helps me. Also, stay away from cheap liquor.

honda97valdeez 12-29-2007 07:16 PM

RE: How to Cure a Hangover On New Years Day
I try to drink the same thing thru the night- not a manhattan followed by 3 heinikens and 4 carbombs, more like beer all night or the same type of likker all night.

Sugary drinks (like at fat tuesdays) put me on a sugar pitch in the morning.

Yacking sometimes is the only cure.

Extra strong coffee-down here it's cuban espresso. Lots of it.


HondaPhyco 12-29-2007 09:27 PM

RE: How to Cure a Hangover On New Years Day
Im not even old enough to drink lol, sucks for me.
Not really.........NOTE TO SELF: dont drink and drive my accord.

SVTMike 12-30-2007 06:01 PM

RE: How to Cure a Hangover On New Years Day

ORIGINAL: HondaPhyco
Im not even old enough to drink lol, sucks for me.
Not really.........NOTE TO SELF: dont drink and drive my accord.
Don't drink and drive period on New Years Eve.Even ifyou don't thinkyou're over the legal limit, it's not worth the risk. Too many police out to pull you over to find out.

superballz00 12-30-2007 06:44 PM

RE: How to Cure a Hangover On New Years Day


ORIGINAL: HondaPhyco
Im not even old enough to drink lol, sucks for me.
Not really.........NOTE TO SELF: dont drink and drive my accord.
Don't drink and drive period on New Years Eve. Even if you don't think you're over the legal limit, it's not worth the risk. Too many police out to pull you over to find out.
Don't drink and drive period. Doesn't matter if it's new years eve or not. The police should be the least of his problems because they might be saving his life by pulling him over. He's underage so it doesn't matter if he's under the limit since any alcohol is considered over the limit for him.

smaglik 12-31-2007 08:23 AM

RE: How to Cure a Hangover On New Years Day

academic 12-31-2007 10:08 AM

RE: How to Cure a Hangover On New Years Day
New Year hangovers - dont drink American beer ! tastes like cat's p....
A few pints of good English bitter leaves no after effects - trust me !

00AccordLX5spd 12-31-2007 10:59 AM

RE: How to Cure a Hangover On New Years Day
I am somewhat of a "hangover connoisseur" if you will. The hangover remedy all depends on the kind of drunk you were the night before.
If you got wine drunk or champagne drunk - ridiculous headache (pretty much the worst hangover)
Whiskey drunk - usually a headache & big time dehydration
Vodka drunk - don't be a pansy, you don't really have a hangover
Gin Drunk - pretty similar to whiskey drunk
Tequila Drunk - you wake up pantsless, your wallet is gone, and your butt hurts, so you don't notice your hangover symptoms as much untill you get yourself together.

The worst hangover I ever had was probably new years 2003. I was a sophomore in college and me and friends got a limo in Birmingham AL. Over the course of the night (we started early)I drank almost a half gallon of Jim Beam, 7 or 8 pints of Guinness at a bar. And one 750 ml bottle of Korbel champagne (by myself) at about 2 A.M. to wrap up the night. We had to drive about 4 hours home the next day. I had a hangover all day which went on into the night. I could not find a cure for that one.

Normally I don't have bad hangover's, but as sir_nasty said, now that I am getting older I can feel them more.

Here are my hangover solutions:
1) "Hair of the dog" - drink a Bloody Mary or one Beer when you wake up - this has worked most of the time for me
2) Gatorade and a light breakfast - greasy foods usually make my hangovers worse
3) Sex
4) Prevention the night before: drink a full glass of water before bed (hope you are not soo drunk you pee the bed). Also as has been suggested above, drink water any time you think about it during the night.

Remember, hangovers are mostly caused by dehydration. That's why you feel like crap. I never puke because I can't stand puking. A lot of people swear by it though. I really think it is pointless the next morning though because the damage to your body has already been done. Puking is likely to make your headache worse and dehydrate you even more.

I do not recommend taking tylenol, advil, or alieve. If you take any of these when you are drunk or recovering from drunk, they could have damaging effects on your liver and stomach.

sir_nasty 12-31-2007 11:12 AM

RE: How to Cure a Hangover On New Years Day

ORIGINAL: academic

New Year hangovers - dont drink American beer ! tastes like cat's p....
A few pints of good English bitter leaves no after effects - trust me !
As much as I want to argue with this one I can't. Except some of the Micro brews are just as good as English beer... When I was in Germany for two weeks I was pretty much hammered the whole time and never once felt a hangover. The fresh beer and lack of preseratives makes a huge difference. However, you can't find that same stuff in the states since it has to be preserved to ship :(

academic 12-31-2007 01:22 PM

RE: How to Cure a Hangover On New Years Day
Dear Sir-Nasty, I hate to say this but for real beer, by-pass England and Germany and go direct to Belgium. The Trappist beers will transport you to another world. [Hint -try Kriek beer ]

sir_nasty 12-31-2007 01:47 PM

RE: How to Cure a Hangover On New Years Day
My favorite beer (Fat Tire) is made by a small micro brewery as a belgium beer so I'm sure I'd love their fresh stuff. I wish I could order a big mac and a beer in the U.S.... :(

00AccordLX5spd 12-31-2007 01:56 PM

RE: How to Cure a Hangover On New Years Day
I'm a pretty big fan of Boddingtons. It's just super hard to find here and expensive (like $7 for 4 pints in cans.)
I love almost any kind of beer. Guinness is the shiznit. I also like almost any kind of Sam Adams.
But I got to stop drinking beer cause my gut is too big now[sm=smiley30.gif]. Two of my friends'(twins) dad used to own part of Abita so I know a little about microbrews as well. We used to get all kinds when we were younger (stolen from his dad), but of course being younger all we wanted to do was get drunk and we thought microbrews were kind of gross. I love them now though.

sir_nasty 12-31-2007 02:10 PM

RE: How to Cure a Hangover On New Years Day

ORIGINAL: 00AccordLX5spd

I'm a pretty big fan of Boddingtons. It's just super hard to find here and expensive (like $7 for 4 pints in cans.)
I love almost any kind of beer. Guinness is the shiznit. I also like almost any kind of Sam Adams.
ah.... guinness..... yummy... A pork chop in every can is what I say!

WheelBrokerAng 12-31-2007 02:30 PM

RE: How to Cure a Hangover On New Years Day

ORIGINAL: academic

New Year hangovers - dont drink American beer ! tastes like cat's p....
A few pints of good English bitter leaves no after effects - trust me !
Academic, tell us about that taste of cat's p.... that your talking about..ewwwwwe yukk...

WheelBrokerAng [sm=yikesomg.gif]

academic 12-31-2007 02:41 PM

RE: How to Cure a Hangover On New Years Day
But what about the mighty Newcastle Broon or jorney into space as we call it. Do you know there is a special drying out ward in newcastle general hospital for broon drinkers

RTexasF 12-31-2007 02:45 PM

RE: How to Cure a Hangover On New Years Day
Before you go out have a huge meal. Have only water or ice tea with the meal. Take two Advil or Ibuprofen after the meal. Go party. have some water every third round and snack throughout the night if possible.When the clock strikes 12 take two more Advil or Ibuprofen with water. Next day two more pills of choice with juice and a bigbreakfast. Real bad? Two pills of choice with a beer and proceed to the breakfast.

Menudo is supposed to be a sure cure but I can't eat it or I'll blow my guts.

sir_nasty 12-31-2007 03:07 PM

RE: How to Cure a Hangover On New Years Day
is menudo that chaser stuff? My friend tried it once and it just made him puke *L*

RTexasF 12-31-2007 03:49 PM

RE: How to Cure a Hangover On New Years Day

ORIGINAL: sir_nasty

is menudo that chaser stuff? My friend tried it once and it just made him puke *L*
No, it's a Mexican soup/stew madewith tripe, hominy, and chile peppers, along with many spices and other ingredients.I can't deal with the tripe.

sir_nasty 12-31-2007 04:25 PM

RE: How to Cure a Hangover On New Years Day
hmm... I did not know that... just don't have the stomach for cow stomach I take it? *L*

honda97valdeez 12-31-2007 05:53 PM

RE: How to Cure a Hangover On New Years Day
Gawd, I didn't think "chaser" would even get mentioned.
Stupid little red caps don't "neutralize" anything except your cash flow.
I read somewhere that the russians in the cold war era had a liquid chemical that would convert ethanol to diethyl ether (?) in the stomachs of their spies so they wouldn't get drunk at all. They would drink this stuff then proceed to drink anyone they needed to under the table and get them to flap their gums while drunk.
That does not count here tho 'cause the ruskies weren't drunk- I don't think russian spies worried about hangovers anyway.

honda97valdeez 12-31-2007 05:55 PM

RE: How to Cure a Hangover On New Years Day
I love newcastle brown ale!


kevin_nguyen0862 01-01-2008 01:11 AM

RE: How to Cure a Hangover On New Years Day
newcastle is good but i perfer fat tire or 1554 and sometimes would drink peroni if nothing is availble... always have that laying around for emergency...

academic 01-01-2008 03:27 AM

RE: How to Cure a Hangover On New Years Day
WheelBrokerAng - you must know what cats p... tastes like. Just think about the taste of that "famous" American brew B............ ! Dont think that I am agin American fermented beverages in particular. Most Southern England's beers taste like fizzy animal urine too .

00AccordLX5spd 01-01-2008 09:22 AM

RE: How to Cure a Hangover On New Years Day
I forgot to mention Alka Seltzer. Many versions help. Some swear by the "Morning Relief" kind - if you can find it.I think the morning relief kind tastes like crap though.
Oh well.....I didn't need any. I didn't even get drunk last night. I've been up since 7:30, my wife is gone to work, and the baby is napping. Ah....the joys of parenthood.
Maybe I'll fire up a doobie...........

19Accord91EXlady 01-01-2008 09:39 AM

RE: How to Cure a Hangover On New Years Day
Oh yeah! im feeling it today..5 Black Velvets n Coke have KICKED my B u t t :(

honda97valdeez 01-01-2008 05:27 PM

RE: How to Cure a Hangover On New Years Day
All that posting and no hangover jon?
That makes two of us- 5 Yuenglings and 263 dollars worth of fireworks=NO HANGOVER!!! Just a little ringing in the ears though.



academic 01-02-2008 04:58 AM

RE: How to Cure a Hangover On New Years Day
I down-loaded your teabag picky [the first download] so that you would not feel unappreciated. Tea in a bag ! What a disgusting thought.

smaglik 01-02-2008 07:38 AM

RE: How to Cure a Hangover On New Years Day
i hate tea.

finch13 01-02-2008 11:20 AM

RE: How to Cure a Hangover On New Years Day
valdeez, I would surely hope 5 yuenglings wouldn't give you a hangover... unless you're a girl

falkore24 01-02-2008 11:33 AM

RE: How to Cure a Hangover On New Years Day
1) Get an orange Gatorade on the way home .... kill it in the car (hopefully someone else is driving)
2) Slam down a large glass of water before bed, then refill it and leave that on your nightstand for the middle of the night drymouth wakeup.
3) Take 2 potassium and 2 magnesium pills before bed --- I take 1 of each daily anyway, so they're around.
4) Have a taylored ham (thin sliced pork roll for you non-Jerseians) egg and cheese sandwich for breakfast.

honda97valdeez 01-04-2008 07:17 PM

RE: How to Cure a Hangover On New Years Day
No, finch, 5 Yuengs doesn't even buzz me. 15 for a buzz, 24 for a drunk. Still no hangover.
Kegbeer of almost any brand seems to kill me. I think it's cause cups get tossed back faster than bottles, so more is consumed.

Not poisoning oneself is the surest cure. Puff Puff sip Puff Puff sip. Take it easy and nobody gets hurt.[&:]

falkore24 01-04-2008 08:47 PM

RE: How to Cure a Hangover On New Years Day

ORIGINAL: finch13

valdeez, I would surely hope 5 yuenglings wouldn't give you a hangover... unless you're a girl
LOL ..... wait until you get a little older ...... it's not too common, but I've had 3 or 4 times that I've had like 4-5 beers and not gotten any sort of buzz, but got a hangover the next morning. Now that's some sh!+!!!!

Other nights I can kill plenty and no hangover, but those nights are usually vodka drinks and I usually remember (Redbull) to drink some water with cocktails. Also, the other stuff I mentioned ..... don't know what it is, but the orange seems to work better than other flavors of Gatorade ..... read it somewhere, tried it and it's true!

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