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I can't even believe old people sometimes

Old 07-20-2006, 02:12 PM
tibbo's Avatar
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Default I can't even believe old people sometimes

Okay I was talking on my phone during break out in the parking lot of where I work and suddenly this ugly old station wagon comes out of absolute NOWHERE! It was no big deal at all at first because I just moved out of the way.. but this lady got SO close to my car that she nearly sideswiped it.. in fact, I have no idea if she sideswiped it. There was PLENTY of room for her to go around me without having to hug tightly next to the parked cars but SHE DOES! And to MY new accord no less!!! It's like somebody is out for me seriously. Ok, so I was in such a shock that I didn't know how to react. The worst part is- THIS LADY WASN'T EVEN AN EMPLOYEE. She was just turning around, but she felt so obligated to practically smash my car as some idiot way of avoiding hitting me? Yeah right! This lady had a handicapped sign and everything, and though many elderly people know how to drive, I really don't think this particular lady does. That was the dumbest move I have seen since I've purchased my car. She had NO reason to be that overly cautious, and I wouldn't even call that cautious. Overcompensating your driving because of any obstruction is the biggest red flag in the world that this woman has no right to be on the road. I would rather have her come really close to hitting me than to come close or actually HIT my brand new vehicle. Since I'm at work, I don't really think I can get away with going out there and checking. Can anyone tell me what they think could have happened? I didn't hear an impact or anything, but she looked like she was about to hit my car. She turning a corner right around where my bumper was. I tried to look but with the sun gleaming right on the bumper it was nearly impossible. I'm having a panic attack in my body because if she did do this, she has gotten away with it. Can somebody tell me where I should look for a scratch? The trunk area or the lower bumper area or the middle? I just don't know where I should look when I finally do get around to checking it out. I'm so annoyed right now at myself for being in the road when she was coming down the street because if I hadn't been there she may not have ever done this.. and I'm mad at her for having a license when she clearly shouldn't. She was driving really slow, and she simply looked very incapable to me. She seemed so squirrely like she had no idea how to drive or something. It was really upsetting to watch this especially with all of the other close calls I worry about. Am I wrong? Does anybody agree that this lady shouldn't be on the road? Whether she hit me or not, that manuever she was doing would have given anybody a heart attack. Even if she did hit it, I guarantee she wouldn't say anything to me about it. But with no real proof, I couldn't go after her. I didn't hear anything and haven't seen any damage yet. All I know is when I looked back she was unnecessarily close to my car. Do you think her stupid mirrors swiped my car? What do you think and where should I look? It's a magnesium metallic color, so would it show up well enough for me to know? I hate this gray color because it hides things in the direct sunlight and then in certain lights you can see the imperfections. What kind of mark should I expect to see? Scuff? Hairline scratch? Dent? Crack? PLEASE HELP! I won't be able to check it out until 5:00 tonight.. assuming some other tragic thing doesn't happen to my car. I've never seen someone drive that carelessly in a parking lot where they know the parked cars are very innocent... the worst part is that she was practically rubbed right up against my car when she had plenty of room. It's like in all of her over-cautiousness she decided to do the most reckless thing imaginable instead. UGGGH!!

Somebody pass a law that REQUIRES anybody over 60 to take a driver's test, and then MANDATE that it be retaken every couple years after that. There is no need to for innocent, PARKED cars to be punished for idiot drivers that don't care about anybody else but themselves.

I'm really annoyed now! Please find it in your heart to help me understand what she might have done to damage my car, and what I could do about it !

thank you so much. Thanks for letting me vent!
Old 07-20-2006, 03:44 PM
Join Date: Feb 2006
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Default RE: I can't even believe old people sometimes

where her mirrors painted or plastic, i ask this because i was in the car, when my dad rubed his mirror on another car, and he had plastic mirrors and it buffed right out. and you would more than likely see it if she did do anything to the paint no matter what the color is, another thing is you can't do anything about it if she did. cuz it's the same if you have a wreck if you don't call the cops to the scene then you are s.o.l.
Old 07-20-2006, 11:27 PM
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Default RE: I can't even believe old people sometimes

Dude I understand where u are coming from but.......I think u are compleatly over reacting, but thats just me.
Old 07-21-2006, 12:03 AM
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Default RE: I can't even believe old people sometimes

o hell no. he is undereacting. there is a difference between people that just throw their cars away every couple of years and the people that just love their cars and would never want to get rid of them no matter how old or how many miles they get. its 7 here in az so i bet its at least 5 now. hopefully she didnt hit it. my first guess would be your back bumper. it would be a long gash or even a faty ol dent. i hate to say this but i would be so vengeful if someone did that to my new honda. i would take her license down and look her up in my system. you said you saw her plate right>? old drivers are the worst as soon as my reaction time goes you wont find me on the road anymore. how inconsiderate
Old 07-21-2006, 01:03 AM
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o hell no. he is undereacting. there is a difference between people that just throw their cars away every couple of years and the people that just love their cars and would never want to get rid of them no matter how old or how many miles they get. its 7 here in az so i bet its at least 5 now. hopefully she didnt hit it. my first guess would be your back bumper. it would be a long gash or even a faty ol dent. i hate to say this but i would be so vengeful if someone did that to my new honda. i would take her license down and look her up in my system. you said you saw her plate right>? old drivers are the worst as soon as my reaction time goes you wont find me on the road anymore. how inconsiderate

well said lightshow. I'm one of the latter people myself

I used to work at this bagel place and we'd always get old people hanging out outside the store, you know, causing trouble and stuff. One time, a gang of 3 or 4 of them decideded to get wild and eat ice cream in the parking lot, and two of them decided my car would make a fine place to lean. I saw this and went outside and told them in a not-so-nice way to get hell off my car. One of them said I was rude, so I had to bring up the obvious point that I wasn't the one leaning and eating on their car. In the end they left, but I was mad..

It's not about age, it's about respect for personal property.
Old 07-21-2006, 04:04 AM
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Default RE: I can't even believe old people sometimes

I completly agree with undereacting. I am still in HS and love my car to death. Not only is it my baby....its a $7,000+ piece of property that I take a great deal of time and care to make it look nice. Then when I park my Accord I always park far away from anyone else and Never park next to anyone unless its unavoidable. So on my last day of school this year I went to Blimpies with my g/f and parked one spot away from another car and the parking lot was near empty. So this lady in a Ford Contour (a piece of crap with no mirrors and didnt even lock her doors or put her windows up) decides to pull between the other car and mine when the lot is almsot empty. I mean come on, that is ridiculous and doesnt show any sign of respect. So I watch this and to my amazement she slams her door into the side of my Accord [:@]and just walks into Lenscrafters. I was completly shocked and stunned.... The best part is that she hit the door into the side of my car that had paint that wasn't even a year old and walks off with no care in the world. Luckily it was MOSTLY a smudge and I couldnt call the police because I had to get back for the rest of my finals. I just wish people could realize that we work hard for what we own....and just because we don't trash our belongings like they do doesnt mean that they cant be courteuous enough to be careful around ours. It was just saddening in my opinion that she could have cared less and only thought about her self. And while on the subject, i had to buy my alarm system because people at my school thought it was funny to mess with my car (thrown condom water balloons at it, blew up an ice bomb behind it, and taken my hubcaps) because they know how much I love it and don't see why you would modify a "stupid accord" anyways......:-/
Old 07-21-2006, 11:07 AM
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Man, if I had my accord in highschool, i would have been the coolest kid there...
I had an old beater truck, and no one messed with it. It did get egged at a party once.

I would have said something to that lady. I hate when I park in an isolated area of the parking lot. I mean there are like 50 spots open and I'm the only one there, and then some doofus pulls into a spot right next to me. I just don't get it... Are some people that mindless, or do they get some kind of pleasure out of defeating my purpose?

Old 07-21-2006, 02:50 PM
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Default RE: I can't even believe old people sometimes

ORIGINAL: mbo1985

I would have said something to that lady. I hate when I park in an isolated area of the parking lot. I mean there are like 50 spots open and I'm the only one there, and then some doofus pulls into a spot right next to me. I just don't get it... Are some people that mindless, or do they get some kind of pleasure out of defeating my purpose?

I know exactly what you mean! Its like they have a fear of parking alone. The only time I really dont worry about it to much is when a Benz or another high cost car is next to me, b/c most likely they aren't going to want to damage their $$ car.
Old 07-21-2006, 10:04 PM
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Default RE: I can't even believe old people sometimes

Yeah i am also in HS, and i park as far away as possible was well....i had to go to practice the other night, and my school has like 4 different lots, and i was parked on the overlook lot, and i park the farthest away from everyone, and i come out of practice and a Yukon is parked right next to me! It was rediculous i know i said that the one dude over reacted i still stand strong on that, the only reason is because the person didn't hit u they just came close.
Old 07-25-2006, 11:05 AM
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Default RE: I can't even believe old people sometimes

You are not out of line for telling me I'm overreacting, I probably am... but isn't it hilarious that I just SO HAPPENED to be outside to witness it? I hate that the most. At least if I was in the office, I would have missed the whole ordeal. I always seem to be around when stuff happens or ALMOST happens. It's exhausting. Having a new car is just so exhausting. lol.

I don't mind if it's another nice car parked next to me, or if they leave a space between but my car is just a magnet for this kind of thing. The cars that park next to me are usually cars that LOOK like they might have been nice at one time, but aren't anymore. Like a Subaru with door dings, and bumper scuffs. The car always has to be the type of car that makes you nervous you know? A car that looks like it gets in accidents on a regular basis. Ugggh. And the sad part is, we will all be dealing with this for as long as we own our cars. I think many people don't mean anything by it when they park like that, but it doesn't matter. I don't care what kind of car I have, I usually am courteous of the whole SPACE factor. If there's room to spread out, then spread out! You know? And that's not even the issue, this old lady can't even drive BY cars without giving me a mild stroke. This lady probably didn't do anything so she's off the hook, but it does make me question the old ladies that are out on the road. Maybe this lady is okay, but what about the rest? My grandmother would pull out in traffic and just shrug it off and say, "That's why they have brakes!".. I'm like, WHAT?!?! My own grandmother is a lunatic basically. And that smug response is the same response that most elderly people have. They can't be bothered to drive safely because they are too old to care.. well everybody else cares! My own grandmother... ugggh..

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