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Old 02-01-2008, 10:41 AM
00AccordLX5spd's Avatar
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Default RE: Depression

ORIGINAL: nafango2
i still dont understand why its illegal...
I think it is illegal becasue the government hasn't figured out how to tax and regulate it if it were legalized like tobacco. Therefore the government can't make any money off of it. It is way too easy to just grow it yourself, pick it and smoke it. You don't see people growing and processing theit own tobacco to make cigarettes because it is too much trouble. Same thing goes with making your own booze. It's not illegal becasue it is too much of a PITA to do yourself, so the government regulates and taxes the crap out of it so they wind up making a killing off of it. If they figured out a way to do that with wacky tobacky, then we wouldn't be having this conversation cause you could go to the store and buy some just like you were buying beer or cigarettes. But, as I said it is too easy to grow and smoke yourself, so I highly doubt it will ever be legalized.

Did anybody know that Ole Miss has a huge marajuana farm on campus? It's true. it's located by the intramural sports fields. There are several fences with razor wire and guard towers like there is a prison back there or something. You can't actually see the plants, but if the wind is just right on a hot day, you can really smell it. Supposedly they use it for research. I don't understand why they need that much of it to do research though. One of my friends has been in there before for some crazy class he took. He said they were patted down like crazy to make sure nobody tried to make off with any.
Here's a website with pictures from inside the fence:
They look like Christmas trees!
Old 02-01-2008, 10:55 AM
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Default RE: Depression

ORIGINAL: 00AccordLX5spd

ORIGINAL: nafango2
i still dont understand why its illegal...
I think it is illegal becasue the government hasn't figured out how to tax and regulate it if it were legalized like tobacco. Therefore the government can't make any money off of it. It is way too easy to just grow it yourself, pick it and smoke it. You don't see people growing and processing theit own tobacco to make cigarettes because it is too much trouble. Same thing goes with making your own booze. It's not illegal becasue it is too much of a PITA to do yourself, so the government regulates and taxes the crap out of it so they wind up making a killing off of it. If they figured out a way to do that with wacky tobacky, then we wouldn't be having this conversation cause you could go to the store and buy some just like you were buying beer or cigarettes. But, as I said it is too easy to grow and smoke yourself, so I highly doubt it will ever be legalized.

Did anybody know that Ole Miss has a huge marajuana farm on campus? It's true. it's located by the intramural sports fields. There are several fences with razor wire and guard towers like there is a prison back there or something. You can't actually see the plants, but if the wind is just right on a hot day, you can really smell it. Supposedly they use it for research. I don't understand why they need that much of it to do research though. One of my friends has been in there before for some crazy class he took. He said they were patted down like crazy to make sure nobody tried to make off with any.
Here's a website with pictures from inside the fence:
They look like Christmas trees!
It was legalized for a while an the governemt paid people to grow it for a time since it's so versatile as more than just a drug... Beyond the taxability I think part of the reason also resides in the fact that you can't test (that I'm aware of) for someone who is under the influence of it and how much they've had. While some people could drive and function normally while under the influence, others can't and I'm not sure how you could test someone on the side of the road for "legally high"... I don't think a breathalizer would work.... Although I'm pro in-home legaliztion I don't like the idea of a bunch of people driving around stoned stupid running into me and I have no way to prove that they were "overly" high...
Old 02-01-2008, 11:07 AM
00AccordLX5spd's Avatar
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Default RE: Depression

ORIGINAL: sir_nasty

It was legalized for a while an the governemt paid people to grow it for a time since it's so versatile as more than just a drug... Beyond the taxability I think part of the reason also resides in the fact that you can't test (that I'm aware of) for someone who is under the influence of it and how much they've had. While some people could drive and function normally while under the influence, others can't and I'm not sure how you could test someone on the side of the road for "legally high"... I don't think a breathalizer would work.... Although I'm pro in-home legaliztion I don't like the idea of a bunch of people driving around stoned stupid running into me and I have no way to prove that they were "overly" high...
That's a good point. That would be hilarious if they tried to figure out how to test for it at the Ole Miss research facility. I doubt they would have any trouble finding human "Guinea Pigs" haha!
Old 02-01-2008, 11:24 AM
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Default RE: Depression

I think the government would start by testing it on soldiers.... just like most of their other "enhancement" drugs... Some of the guys I was with actually had "test subject" or something of that nature stamped on the front of their folders as we were in line getting our pre-deployment shots.
Old 02-01-2008, 11:34 AM
00AccordLX5spd's Avatar
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Default RE: Depression

ORIGINAL: sir_nasty

I think the government would start by testing it on soldiers.... just like most of their other "enhancement" drugs... Some of the guys I was with actually had "test subject" or something of that nature stamped on the front of their folders as we were in line getting our pre-deployment shots.
Holy crap. So I guess they get paid extra for that? I wonder how many different kinds of steroids have been tested on them.

Haha...I would hardly consider marijuana a "performance enhancing drug"!
Old 02-01-2008, 11:40 AM
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Default RE: Depression

ORIGINAL: 00AccordLX5spd

ORIGINAL: sir_nasty

I think the government would start by testing it on soldiers.... just like most of their other "enhancement" drugs... Some of the guys I was with actually had "test subject" or something of that nature stamped on the front of their folders as we were in line getting our pre-deployment shots.
Holy crap. So I guess they get paid extra for that? I wonder how many different kinds of steroids have been tested on them.

Haha...I would hardly consider marijuana a "performance enhancing drug"!
I wouldn't either but if you're a canadian snowboarder they would tell you that it is and take your medals away...
Old 02-01-2008, 11:41 AM
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Default RE: Depression

See the link for those not familar with the story....
Old 02-01-2008, 01:26 PM
00AccordLX5spd's Avatar
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Default RE: Depression

Yeah I heard about that. That is ridiculous! If anything it would hurt you, not help you!
Old 02-01-2008, 01:51 PM
klrspz's Avatar
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Default RE: Depression

CNS depressants require a period of adaptation. Typically, initial side effects include slurred speech, dizziness, and loss of coordination, in many respects similar to the effects of alcohol.
As 00 said, Depressants are strictly related to the Central Nervous System (CNS) and not to any mental state, except that caused BY the drug itself... this is not a correlation however, as MOST chemical depressants are made to make someone happier.

Also, as for taxing goes.. it's 100% identical to tobacco with exceptions of growth cycles and what not... The REAL reason it's not legal, and the primary reason thought to be made illegal, is because hemp would put cotton AND tobacco out of business damn near immediately... I'm not going to get too deep into that, but hemp is better than cotton by a million times, and tobacco has so many negatives it's not even funny...

as for the driving stoned comment, there's a video on youtube (it's blocked here so i can't search for it, but look up "Weed and Driving") that the brit's did a few years back showcasing the affects of mary jane while driving... i'll cut you a break and tell you --- they conclusively found on ALL accounts that the driving styles were more controlled, and completed obstacle courses faster with less mess-ups and more stability... Also, everything's in slow-mo anyway it should be easy to drive lit.. i know i can

testing is super easy these days with oral tests.. a mere cotton swab can pick up enough blood cell contents in your saliva and be tested on the spot... it's done here at my work, and MANY police factions are using it more and more as it also can test for alcohol, cocaine, opiates, cannabis, heroin, etc.. you name it... it'll find it..

interestingly enough... MJ is the exact inverse of most drugs in terms of detection... for example, in urine, THC can be found for 30-50 days depending on the usage where other drugs are generally passed through your urine tract within 24-72 hours... however in blood (also saliva) THC can only be detected anywhere between 12 and 48 hours, where other drugs could detect almost up to 7 days, and have been found almost 2 weeks after use...

lastly, the government, as well as NORML have both done extensive research for many decades proving it to be beneficial... Anyone rejecting it for 'harmful' reasons is a politician with a stupid platform.... everyone knows the worst thing that's come from pot is the munchies...

i've got lots of documentation and have done tons of research, and am PRO POT... 100%, across the board with no stipulations...
actually, i'm almost to the point of saying just legalize ALL drugs.... let the addicts OD and clean the gene pool... then maybe kids and adults will experiment and move on realizing it sucks.. and the idiots will continue to kill themselves off... easy peasy!
Old 02-01-2008, 02:04 PM
nafango2's Avatar
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Default RE: Depression

the govenment tests so much on soldiers its not even funny. when you join the army you literally "sign you life away" you are considiered, word for word, the property of the US govt.

im pro-legalization too, but you only have to talk to someone whos been a stoner their whole life to know that weed has long-term effects.

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