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Okay, this stuff really just irritates me

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Old 02-26-2008, 03:36 PM
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Default Okay, this stuff really just irritates me


Why do women come up with such stupid things. We cant say how much our car was or say something about a womans shoe? I think those boots that girls wear are absolutely stupid and look horrible. They arent even boot worthy, and I am sure their construction is more comparable to a pair of flip flops, plus they have stupid dangling ***** or some dumb animal design.

Tip less than 20 percent? WHY? That is ridiculous, we are paying for your stupid dinner so we can tip as much as we want. Not every guy is "posh posh" and filthy rich. You want the "show" of tipping 20% and showing the waiter how rich you are then you pay it.

Women like the one who wrote the article are morons and dont ever deserve a man. A man who succumbs to something of that, is living a life of wrong expectations. Those expectations do nothing to make a relationship or friendship better, they only create boundaries about things you may or may not talk about. A guy who can take a scratch or comment on his girls apparal shows how strong the bond is between the two.

I wish that article had a comment box.

Another reason why I hate any sort of magazine like that. The tips are there to help insecure people spend more money, worry about their looks, and then become dependant on outside sources about how to make their lives better. That only creates a lack of self worthiness and confidence. People like the editors of the magazine need to realize what they do and live in an average Americans life......which I am sure they couldnt manage better than Paris Hilton could.

What do you think? I am very UPSET for a lack of a better word about that.[:@][:@][:@][:@][:@][:@][:@]
Old 02-26-2008, 03:53 PM
02Hawkord's Avatar
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Default RE: Okay, this stuff really just irritates me

Link doesn't work...

But if it said something like always tip 20%... you should. I was a server for 2 years at a T.G.I. Fridays... i was pissed anything less then 18% for great service. You don't know how many bills that were 60$ and i got tipped 7-8 how that's irratating. Servers have to tip out 3%... There goes 1.60... then if its credit card im taxed on it... another 1.25... so your 8 dollar tip quickly turns into 5... should be 10 min.... 12 would be 20%... anyways jus my server gripe, fix the link so I can agree with ya!
Old 02-26-2008, 03:59 PM
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Default RE: Okay, this stuff really just irritates me

My bad

Okay, it works now! I can see your point, but if the service sucks or there are other variables you know?
Old 02-26-2008, 04:09 PM
klrspz's Avatar
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Default RE: Okay, this stuff really just irritates me

Read the credits: "By The Editors of Marie Claire"

I read that as "By The Women of MariE Claire that Obviously Can't Find a Man Because We're Picky About Stupid S*#t"

Also, this reminds me of the dialog in Reservoir Dogs.. heh..

I'm with Mr. Pink that I don't agree in a tipping society... If you want to complain about your tips being low, get another job...

I don't think 99% of the waiters deserve the 15% i even tip them to begin with and the few that do - I DO tip well. I've worked a few jobs that are tip-based (valet, car wash, etc) in the past and agree that some people just don't tip well, but there's a difference in stating that all people should tip awesomely...
Old 02-26-2008, 05:09 PM
03V6sedan's Avatar
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Default RE: Okay, this stuff really just irritates me

Some dumb poopoo that women like to femaledog about will never change....the same goes for men too.

Old 02-26-2008, 06:00 PM
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Default RE: Okay, this stuff really just irritates me

ORIGINAL: klrspz

Read the credits: "By The Editors of Marie Claire"

I'm with Mr. Pink that I don't agree in a tipping society... If you want to complain about your tips being low, get another job...

I don't think 99% of the waiters deserve the 15% i even tip them to begin with and the few that do - I DO tip well. I've worked a few jobs that are tip-based (valet, car wash, etc) in the past and agree that some people just don't tip well, but there's a difference in stating that all people should tip awesomely...
If you can't afford to tip correctly then you shouldnt be out eating at a dining restaurant. Most of the time when things go wrong ie wrongly cooked food, food taking awhile, coming out wrong, that would be the kitchens fault, or restaurants fault, NOT the server. If the food was rang in correctly, drinks are promply refilled, service was charasmatic and fun and server was helpful and informative, then 18-20% is what is deserved. 15% is a joke. Gratuity isn't even that anymore. It's 18%.

The "get another job" line, that's so cliche. I don't like the pay of any job that isnt 1 million dollars so ill just keep getting different jobs. A job is a job. Tipping isn't always bad, 80% of it is decent. After serving for 2 years as head server and trainer, it's just funny what you see. I've had 70-80$ bills getting tipped 3$. Not because of bad service, in fact they did the survey saying how great it was. They just dont know how to tip.

A server's job is primarily based off tips. If the bill is 100, 18-20 is what's deserved. At least in my style of rest. Typically an 6-7 person party gets that high. That's alot of refills, getting drinks, making sure the order is rang in correct, making sure the kitchen doesn't screw it up, other sides needed that are asked for as well as having fun with the tables. When I get 5 dollars on that, its a waste because I have to tip out 3 dollars and then credit cards are taxed so I end up owing the rest money for my services to you...

I feel bad that 99% of servers you feel don't deserve more then 15%... maybe where your at the service really is that crappy... but I worked in a semi- "snooty"(though lower income areas are near as well) area, so excellence is expected, even at a fridays.

Wow that got long, btw- I am meaning no disrespect to anyone, just putting one servers point of view.
Old 02-26-2008, 07:53 PM
finch13's Avatar
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Default RE: Okay, this stuff really just irritates me

I think tipping is joke. If you want a guaranteed % of money, factor it into the cost of the food and drinks. Put an 18% mark-up on the menu. Humans do humane jobs, no matter what the description. I'm a drafter (for now) and I don't get a tip or bonus or benefits, granted I work for my dad, but I have had the same hourly pay for the last 3 years. I'm not trying to look down or disrespect you, but I feel it is wrong to guilt trip people to get yourself more money. I'm not saying it isn't deserved and I usually do tip around 25% for most bills. I guess I just feel there are other ways to go about getting more money from a serving job, such as taking care of it on the administrative end and not pushing it into the consumer's lap.

Simply put: Tipping always has been and always will be optional and at the consumer's discretion. If you want a guaranteed percentage, factor it into the menu or bill or whatever.

There are just more and more jobs out there where people are asking for more and more money and I think it's a bunch of b/s. I see tip jars at ridiculous places. The ice cream shop? Jesus. To put it politely, take the opportunity to better yourself and and set higher goals. If you apply for a job that you know does not pay well and you're unhappy with it, fix it, but to quote Caddyshack, "the world needs ditch diggers too."
Old 02-26-2008, 07:57 PM
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As for the article, that's a bunch of b/s too. What a bunch of immature girls. A real woman who is looking for a real, meaningful relationship with another real (male) human being should expect imperfection. But, I think the article is referring more towards the first few dates, where it is important to show a woman that you can be civilized and polite and not a cheap, arrogant SOB.
Old 02-27-2008, 07:46 AM
white95's Avatar
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Default RE: Okay, this stuff really just irritates me

I'll tip you whatever you claim on your taxes, how about that?

I tip 10% and round up, until my wife hits me and I throw down another dollar. When I waited tables, if I got over 10% I felt I did pretty good because what I claimed was less (I forget what the actual percentage was).

I think mandatory tipping is BS. A tip is for someone who has gone beyond the "call of duty" and truly deserves it. I don't really see that happen much, but I will adjust my tip if I do. It's for this reason that I avoid eating out, I'd prefer to get my own food and drink. It's the food that makes me come back to a restaurant anyway, not the service.
Old 02-27-2008, 08:00 AM
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Default RE: Okay, this stuff really just irritates me

i have worked in the restaurant business for a while now, and the servers at my restaurant get $3.25 a hour from the company, so their income is based on their tips

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